Tucker: The Man and His Dream 1988 ( api )
Summery : The story of Preston Tucker, the maverick car designer and his ill-fated challenge to the auto industry with his revolutionary car concept.
Src : https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNjIxODE5ZDktZmUxOS00N2IyLWI5MWMtNWFkZjEyMGU3NTM4L2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc1NTYyMjg@._V1_QL75_UX190_CR0,2,190,281_.jpg
Src Set : https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNjIxODE5ZDktZmUxOS00N2IyLWI5MWMtNWFkZjEyMGU3NTM4L2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc1NTYyMjg@._V1_QL75_UX190_CR0,2,190,281_.jpg 190w, https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNjIxODE5ZDktZmUxOS00N2IyLWI5MWMtNWFkZjEyMGU3NTM4L2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc1NTYyMjg@._V1_QL75_UX285_CR0,3,285,422_.jpg 285w, https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNjIxODE5ZDktZmUxOS00N2IyLWI5MWMtNWFkZjEyMGU3NTM4L2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc1NTYyMjg@._V1_QL75_UX380_CR0,4,380,562_.jpg 380w
Basics ( api )
- id : 94198
- tconst : tt0096316
- titleType : movie
- primaryTitle : Tucker: The Man and His Dream
- originalTitle : Tucker: The Man and His Dream
- isAdult : 0
- startYear : 1988
- endYear : 0
- runtimeMinutes : 110
- genres : Biography,Comedy,Drama
- averageRating : 6
- numVotes : 19601
- rateOrder : 117606
- movieid : 8480
Ratings ( api )
- id : 70155
- tconst : tt0096316
- averageRating : 6
- numVotes : 19601
Akas ( api )
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- language : \N
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- id : 10291132
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- ordering : 11
- title : Такер: Человек и его мечта
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- language : ru
- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 10291133
- titleId : tt0096316
- ordering : 12
- title : Tucker: Um Homem e seu Sonho
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- language : \N
- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 10291134
- titleId : tt0096316
- ordering : 13
- title : Tucker: Un hombre y su sueño
- region : PE
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- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 10291135
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- ordering : 14
- title : 塔克:其人其夢
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- id : 10291137
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- ordering : 16
- title : Tucker: O anthropos kai to oneiro tou
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- attributes : transliterated title
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 10291138
- titleId : tt0096316
- ordering : 17
- title : Tucker - Ein Mann und sein Traum
- region : AT
- language : \N
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- id : 10291139
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- ordering : 18
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- language : en
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- ordering : 19
- title : Tucker: L'homme et son rêve
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- id : 10291145
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- title : Tucker - en mand og hans drøm
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- title : Tucker - En man och hans dröm
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- id : 10291148
- titleId : tt0096316
- ordering : 26
- title : Τάκερ: Ο άνθρωπος και το όνειρό του
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- types : imdbDisplay
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- id : 10291149
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- title : Tucker, az autóbolond
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- attributes : original subtitled version
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- id : 10291152
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- title : Tucker: The Man and His Dream
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- language : en
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- id : 10291153
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- ordering : 30
- title : Tucker: L'homme et son rêve
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- title : Tucker - Ein Mann und sein Traum
- region : DE
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- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 10291155
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- ordering : 32
- title : Tucker: The Man and His Dream
- region : US
- language : \N
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- attributes : \N
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- id : 10291156
- titleId : tt0096316
- ordering : 33
- title : Tucker: Un hombre y su sueño
- region : ES
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- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
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- id : 10291157
- titleId : tt0096316
- ordering : 3
- title : Tucker - mies ja unelma
- region : FI
- language : \N
- types : \N
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 10291158
- titleId : tt0096316
- ordering : 4
- title : Tucker - konstruktor marzeń
- region : PL
- language : \N
- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 10291159
- titleId : tt0096316
- ordering : 5
- title : Tucker - Un uomo e il suo sogno
- region : IT
- language : \N
- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 10291160
- titleId : tt0096316
- ordering : 6
- title : Tucker: The Man and His Dream
- region : AU
- language : \N
- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 10291161
- titleId : tt0096316
- ordering : 7
- title : Tucker: Omul şi visul său
- region : RO
- language : \N
- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 10291162
- titleId : tt0096316
- ordering : 8
- title : Tucker ve Rüyası
- region : TR
- language : tr
- types : imdbDisplaytv
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 10291163
- titleId : tt0096316
- ordering : 9
- title : Тъкър: Човекът и неговата мечта
- region : BG
- language : bg
- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
Principals ( api )
- id : 823334
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- category : composer
- job : \N
- characters : \N
- id : 823335
- tconst : tt0096316
- ordering : 1
- nconst : nm0000313
- category : actor
- job : \N
- characters : ["Preston Tucker"]
- id : 823336
- tconst : tt0096316
- ordering : 2
- nconst : nm0000260
- category : actress
- job : \N
- characters : ["Vera"]
- id : 823337
- tconst : tt0096316
- ordering : 3
- nconst : nm0001445
- category : actor
- job : \N
- characters : ["Abe"]
- id : 823338
- tconst : tt0096316
- ordering : 4
- nconst : nm0002078
- category : actor
- job : \N
- characters : ["Eddie"]
- id : 823339
- tconst : tt0096316
- ordering : 5
- nconst : nm0000338
- category : director
- job : \N
- characters : \N
- id : 823340
- tconst : tt0096316
- ordering : 6
- nconst : nm0776068
- category : writer
- job : written by
- characters : \N
- id : 823341
- tconst : tt0096316
- ordering : 7
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- category : writer
- job : written by
- characters : \N
- id : 823342
- tconst : tt0096316
- ordering : 8
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- category : producer
- job : producer
- characters : \N
- id : 823343
- tconst : tt0096316
- ordering : 9
- nconst : nm0740407
- category : producer
- job : producer
- characters : \N
Crews ( api )
- id : 94198
- tconst : tt0096316
- directors : nm0000338
- writers : nm0776068,nm0782436