Zombie 5: Killing Birds 1988 ( api )

Zombie 5: Killing Birds

Summery : A group of college students go into the woods to study birds. They encounter a strange blind man who's connected to the killer zombies that prowl a dilapidated house deep in the forest.
Src : https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDEzMjNmZDMtOGQ4My00ODM5LWFjOGItNjNjMTUzMjJlNThiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_QL75_UY281_CR11,0,190,281_.jpg
Src Set : https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDEzMjNmZDMtOGQ4My00ODM5LWFjOGItNjNjMTUzMjJlNThiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_QL75_UY281_CR11,0,190,281_.jpg 190w, https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDEzMjNmZDMtOGQ4My00ODM5LWFjOGItNjNjMTUzMjJlNThiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_QL75_UY422_CR16,0,285,422_.jpg 285w, https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDEzMjNmZDMtOGQ4My00ODM5LWFjOGItNjNjMTUzMjJlNThiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_QL75_UY562_CR22,0,380,562_.jpg 380w

Basics ( api )

  • id : 151905
  • tconst : tt0156706
  • titleType : movie
  • primaryTitle : Zombie 5: Killing Birds
  • originalTitle : Killing Birds: Raptors
  • isAdult : 0
  • startYear : 1988
  • endYear : 0
  • runtimeMinutes : 92
  • genres : Horror,Mystery
  • averageRating : 3
  • numVotes : 1657
  • rateOrder : 4971
  • movieid : 86361

Ratings ( api )

  • id : 109313
  • tconst : tt0156706
  • averageRating : 3
  • numVotes : 1657

Akas ( api )

  • id : 10620254
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  • id : 10620258
  • titleId : tt0156706
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  • title : Zombie 4: Killing Birds
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  • attributes : \N
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  • isOriginalTitle : 0
  • id : 10620262
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  • title : Zombie 5: Matomena nyhia thanatou
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  • title : Зомби 5: Птицы-убийцы
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Principals ( api )

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  • id : 1267630
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  • category : actor
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  • characters : ["Dr. Fred Brown"]
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Crews ( api )

  • id : 151905
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  • writers : nm0490396,nm0325307,nm0204427