Yakuza Ladies: Decision 1998 ( api )

Yakuza Ladies: Decision

Summery : Kasuga's husband gets arrested for a murder of his beloved protege. She and her family investigate and find out he was trapped by greedy Nagoshi, the boss of their rival yakuza family. She has to make a decision to revenge Nagoshi.
Src : https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDQwYWRhZmEtOTYwMS00NWFkLWFhODQtMGYwYWMzNGZkMTIxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTEyODk3NTgz._V1_QL75_UY281_CR4,0,190,281_.jpg
Src Set : https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDQwYWRhZmEtOTYwMS00NWFkLWFhODQtMGYwYWMzNGZkMTIxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTEyODk3NTgz._V1_QL75_UY281_CR4,0,190,281_.jpg 190w, https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDQwYWRhZmEtOTYwMS00NWFkLWFhODQtMGYwYWMzNGZkMTIxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTEyODk3NTgz._V1_QL75_UY422_CR6,0,285,422_.jpg 285w, https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDQwYWRhZmEtOTYwMS00NWFkLWFhODQtMGYwYWMzNGZkMTIxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTEyODk3NTgz._V1_QL75_UY562_CR8,0,380,562_.jpg 380w

Basics ( api )

  • id : 313911
  • tconst : tt0327789
  • titleType : movie
  • primaryTitle : Yakuza Ladies: Decision
  • originalTitle : Gokudo no onna-tachi: Kejime
  • isAdult : 0
  • startYear : 1998
  • endYear : 0
  • runtimeMinutes : 116
  • genres : Crime,Drama
  • averageRating : 4
  • numVotes : 24
  • rateOrder : 96
  • movieid : 804331

Ratings ( api )

  • id : 192364
  • tconst : tt0327789
  • averageRating : 4
  • numVotes : 24

Akas ( api )

  • id : 11133329
  • titleId : tt0327789
  • ordering : 1
  • title : 極道の妻たち 決着
  • region : JP
  • language : ja
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  • attributes : \N
  • isOriginalTitle : 0
  • id : 11133330
  • titleId : tt0327789
  • ordering : 2
  • title : Gokudo no onna-tachi: Kejime
  • region : DE
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  • attributes : \N
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  • id : 11133331
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  • region : US
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  • types : imdbDisplay
  • attributes : \N
  • isOriginalTitle : 0
  • id : 11133332
  • titleId : tt0327789
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  • title : Gokudo no onna-tachi: Kejime
  • region : FR
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  • attributes : \N
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  • id : 11133333
  • titleId : tt0327789
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  • region : \N
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  • types : original
  • attributes : \N
  • isOriginalTitle : 1
  • id : 11133334
  • titleId : tt0327789
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  • title : Yakuza Ladies: Decision
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  • language : en
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  • id : 11133335
  • titleId : tt0327789
  • ordering : 7
  • title : Yakuza Ladies: Decision
  • region : GB
  • language : \N
  • types : imdbDisplay
  • attributes : \N
  • isOriginalTitle : 0

Principals ( api )

  • id : 2393306
  • tconst : tt0327789
  • ordering : 10
  • nconst : nm0297845
  • category : actress
  • job : \N
  • characters : \N
  • id : 2393307
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  • nconst : nm0412615
  • category : actress
  • job : \N
  • characters : \N
  • id : 2393308
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  • nconst : nm0441172
  • category : actress
  • job : \N
  • characters : \N
  • id : 2393309
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  • category : actor
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  • id : 2393312
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  • id : 2393313
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  • job : \N
  • characters : \N

Crews ( api )

  • id : 313911
  • tconst : tt0327789
  • directors : nm0620052
  • writers : nm1068209,nm0847026