We Bare Bears: The Movie 2020 ( api )
Summery : Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear embark on an adventure to Canada after an agent from the Department of National Wildlife Control tries to put an end to their hi-jinx.
Src : https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDMwYTQ2MjUtNmE2Yy00NDc5LWIxYjktOTVhNWYxODZhMzYxXkEyXkFqcGc@._V1_QL75_UY281_CR0,0,190,281_.jpg
Src Set : https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDMwYTQ2MjUtNmE2Yy00NDc5LWIxYjktOTVhNWYxODZhMzYxXkEyXkFqcGc@._V1_QL75_UY281_CR0,0,190,281_.jpg 190w, https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDMwYTQ2MjUtNmE2Yy00NDc5LWIxYjktOTVhNWYxODZhMzYxXkEyXkFqcGc@._V1_QL75_UY422_CR0,0,285,422_.jpg 285w, https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDMwYTQ2MjUtNmE2Yy00NDc5LWIxYjktOTVhNWYxODZhMzYxXkEyXkFqcGc@._V1_QL75_UY562_CR0,0,380,562_.jpg 380w
Basics ( api )
- id : 1231734
- tconst : tt10474606
- titleType : tvMovie
- primaryTitle : We Bare Bears: The Movie
- originalTitle : We Bare Bears: The Movie
- isAdult : 0
- startYear : 2020
- endYear : 0
- runtimeMinutes : 69
- genres : Adventure,Animation,Comedy
- averageRating : 6
- numVotes : 1928
- rateOrder : 11568
- movieid : 48166
Ratings ( api )
- id : 475865
- tconst : tt10474606
- averageRating : 6
- numVotes : 1928
Akas ( api )
- id : 13868530
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- ordering : 10
- title : We Bare Bears: The Movie
- region : US
- language : \N
- types : imdbDisplay
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- id : 13868531
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- ordering : 11
- title : Między nami, misiami: Film
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- types : original
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 1
- id : 13868533
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- ordering : 13
- title : Medvetesók: A film
- region : HU
- language : \N
- types : \N
- attributes : new title
- isOriginalTitle : 0
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- ordering : 14
- title : We Bare Bears: The Movie
- region : BR
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- types : imdbDisplay
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- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 13868535
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- ordering : 15
- title : Medveđa posla: Film
- region : RS
- language : \N
- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 13868536
- titleId : tt10474606
- ordering : 16
- title : Escandalosos: La Película
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- language : \N
- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 13868537
- titleId : tt10474606
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- title : Braća medvjedi: Film
- region : HR
- language : \N
- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 13868538
- titleId : tt10474606
- ordering : 18
- title : We Bare Bears: The Movie
- region : CA
- language : en
- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 13868539
- titleId : tt10474606
- ordering : 19
- title : Somos osos: la película
- region : ES
- language : \N
- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 13868540
- titleId : tt10474606
- ordering : 1
- title : Nós, os Ursos: O Filme
- region : PT
- language : \N
- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 13868541
- titleId : tt10474606
- ordering : 2
- title : Escandalosos: La Película
- region : US
- language : es
- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 13868542
- titleId : tt10474606
- ordering : 3
- title : Ursos Sem Curso: O Filme
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- language : \N
- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 13868543
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- id : 13868545
- titleId : tt10474606
- ordering : 6
- title : Kafadar Ayılar: Film
- region : TR
- language : tr
- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 13868546
- titleId : tt10474606
- ordering : 7
- title : Ние, мечоците: Филмът
- region : BG
- language : bg
- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 13868547
- titleId : tt10474606
- ordering : 8
- title : Вся правда о медведях: Фильм
- region : RU
- language : \N
- types : imdbDisplay
- attributes : \N
- isOriginalTitle : 0
- id : 13868548
- titleId : tt10474606
- ordering : 9
- title : Ми звичайні ведмеді: Фільм
- region : UA
- language : \N
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Principals ( api )
- id : 9025900
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- category : writer
- job : written by
- characters : \N
- id : 9025901
- tconst : tt10474606
- ordering : 1
- nconst : nm1468061
- category : actor
- job : \N
- characters : ["Grizzly"]
- id : 9025902
- tconst : tt10474606
- ordering : 2
- nconst : nm1293885
- category : actor
- job : \N
- characters : ["Panda"]
- id : 9025903
- tconst : tt10474606
- ordering : 3
- nconst : nm1336595
- category : actor
- job : \N
- characters : ["Ice Bear"]
- id : 9025904
- tconst : tt10474606
- ordering : 4
- nconst : nm1476601
- category : actor
- job : \N
- characters : ["Agent Trout"]
- id : 9025905
- tconst : tt10474606
- ordering : 5
- nconst : nm5512802
- category : director
- job : \N
- characters : \N
- id : 9025906
- tconst : tt10474606
- ordering : 6
- nconst : nm7270554
- category : writer
- job : written by
- characters : \N
- id : 9025907
- tconst : tt10474606
- ordering : 7
- nconst : nm9127560
- category : writer
- job : written by
- characters : \N
- id : 9025908
- tconst : tt10474606
- ordering : 8
- nconst : nm5373414
- category : writer
- job : written by
- characters : \N
- id : 9025909
- tconst : tt10474606
- ordering : 9
- nconst : nm8171686
- category : writer
- job : written by
- characters : \N
Crews ( api )
- id : 1231737
- tconst : tt10474606
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