Dragon Knight 2022 ( api )

Dragon Knight

Summery : When a malevolent force takes hold in the kingdoms of Agonos, a lone knight must embark on a perilous quest to find the last dragon, and save the world from this great and growing evil.
Src : https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNTQ2Y2E1ZWEtNzdkNS00NjA0LTlkZTctMTEyNmJhOWViOTkyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA3ODY4MTA@._V1_QL75_UX190_CR0,2,190,281_.jpg
Src Set : https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNTQ2Y2E1ZWEtNzdkNS00NjA0LTlkZTctMTEyNmJhOWViOTkyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA3ODY4MTA@._V1_QL75_UX190_CR0,2,190,281_.jpg 190w, https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNTQ2Y2E1ZWEtNzdkNS00NjA0LTlkZTctMTEyNmJhOWViOTkyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA3ODY4MTA@._V1_QL75_UX285_CR0,3,285,422_.jpg 285w, https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNTQ2Y2E1ZWEtNzdkNS00NjA0LTlkZTctMTEyNmJhOWViOTkyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA3ODY4MTA@._V1_QL75_UX380_CR0,4,380,562_.jpg 380w

Basics ( api )

  • id : 2684865
  • tconst : tt13117446
  • titleType : movie
  • primaryTitle : Dragon Knight
  • originalTitle : Dragon Knight
  • isAdult : 0
  • startYear : 2022
  • endYear : 0
  • runtimeMinutes : 98
  • genres : Fantasy
  • averageRating : 3
  • numVotes : 513
  • rateOrder : 1539
  • movieid : 179462

Ratings ( api )

  • id : 604169
  • tconst : tt13117446
  • averageRating : 3
  • numVotes : 513

Akas ( api )

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Principals ( api )

  • id : 17311833
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  • category : actress
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  • characters : ["Jigme"]
  • id : 17311834
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  • ordering : 2
  • nconst : nm0715000
  • category : actor
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  • characters : ["Saskaks"]
  • id : 17311835
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  • ordering : 3
  • nconst : nm7932165
  • category : actress
  • job : \N
  • characters : ["Lauris"]
  • id : 17311836
  • tconst : tt13117446
  • ordering : 4
  • nconst : nm3879509
  • category : actor
  • job : \N
  • characters : ["Arlo"]
  • id : 17311837
  • tconst : tt13117446
  • ordering : 5
  • nconst : nm3600165
  • category : writer
  • job : \N
  • characters : \N
  • id : 17311838
  • tconst : tt13117446
  • ordering : 6
  • nconst : nm12797531
  • category : composer
  • job : \N
  • characters : \N
  • id : 17311839
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  • ordering : 7
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  • category : cinematographer
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  • id : 17311840
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Crews ( api )

  • id : 2684868
  • tconst : tt13117446
  • directors : nm3879509
  • writers : nm3600165