Zero to Hero 2021 ( api )
Summery : Biopic tribute to So Wa Wai, Hong Kong's first Paralympic athlete to win gold. Even if you start at a disadvantage, you can still be first across the finish line.
Src :,0,190,281_.jpg
Src Set :,0,190,281_.jpg 190w,,0,285,422_.jpg 285w,,0,380,562_.jpg 380w
Basics ( api )
- id : 3656588
- tconst : tt14892216
- titleType : movie
- primaryTitle : Zero to Hero
- originalTitle : Zero to Hero
- isAdult : 0
- startYear : 2021
- endYear : 0
- runtimeMinutes : 102
- genres : Biography,Drama,Sport
- averageRating : 6
- numVotes : 828
- rateOrder : 4968
- movieid : 86414
Ratings ( api )
- id : 679774
- tconst : tt14892216
- averageRating : 6
- numVotes : 828
Akas ( api )
Principals ( api )
- id : 22095363
- tconst : tt14892216
- ordering : 10
- nconst : nm13099965
- category : actor
- job : \N
- characters : ["Gai"]
- id : 22095364
- tconst : tt14892216
- ordering : 1
- nconst : nm7711040
- category : actor
- job : \N
- characters : ["So Wa Wai (adult)"]
- id : 22095365
- tconst : tt14892216
- ordering : 2
- nconst : nm3518961
- category : actor
- job : \N
- characters : ["Coach Fong"]
- id : 22095366
- tconst : tt14892216
- ordering : 3
- nconst : nm0510950
- category : actress
- job : \N
- characters : ["So's Mother"]
- id : 22095367
- tconst : tt14892216
- ordering : 4
- nconst : nm1319395
- category : actor
- job : \N
- characters : ["So's Grandfather"]
- id : 22095368
- tconst : tt14892216
- ordering : 5
- nconst : nm1186589
- category : director
- job : \N
- characters : \N
- id : 22095369
- tconst : tt14892216
- ordering : 6
- nconst : nm6866672
- category : composer
- job : \N
- characters : \N
- id : 22095370
- tconst : tt14892216
- ordering : 7
- nconst : nm6866670
- category : cinematographer
- job : director of photography
- characters : \N
- id : 22095371
- tconst : tt14892216
- ordering : 8
- nconst : nm1323871
- category : editor
- job : \N
- characters : \N
- id : 22095372
- tconst : tt14892216
- ordering : 9
- nconst : nm0157785
- category : actor
- job : \N
- characters : ["So's Father"]
Crews ( api )
- id : 3656592
- tconst : tt14892216
- directors : nm1186589
- writers : \N