American Night 2021 ( api )

Summery : A courier carrying Andy Warhol's famous "Pink Marilyn" arrives in New York City. Art and life collide - as John Kaplan tries to juggle the mob and his talent as an art forger with his love for Sarah Flores - and chaos ensues.
Src :,0,190,281_.jpg
Src Set :,0,190,281_.jpg 190w,,0,285,422_.jpg 285w,,0,380,562_.jpg 380w
Basics ( api )
- id : 6870962
- tconst : tt5344054
- titleType : movie
- primaryTitle : American Night
- originalTitle : American Night
- isAdult : 0
- startYear : 2021
- endYear : 0
- runtimeMinutes : 123
- genres : Action,Crime,Drama
- averageRating : 4
- numVotes : 3221
- rateOrder : 12884
- movieid : 44640
Ratings ( api )
- id : 1041517
- tconst : tt5344054
- averageRating : 4
- numVotes : 3221
Akas ( api )
Principals ( api )
- id : 38583654
- tconst : tt5344054
- ordering : 10
- nconst : nm0782900
- category : cinematographer
- job : \N
- characters : \N
- id : 38583655
- tconst : tt5344054
- ordering : 1
- nconst : nm0001667
- category : actor
- job : \N
- characters : ["John Kaplan"]
- id : 38583656
- tconst : tt5344054
- ordering : 2
- nconst : nm0386472
- category : actor
- job : \N
- characters : ["Michael Rubino"]
- id : 38583657
- tconst : tt5344054
- ordering : 3
- nconst : nm0891895
- category : actress
- job : \N
- characters : ["Sarah Flores"]
- id : 38583658
- tconst : tt5344054
- ordering : 4
- nconst : nm0005315
- category : actor
- job : \N
- characters : ["Vincent"]
- id : 38583659
- tconst : tt5344054
- ordering : 5
- nconst : nm2276298
- category : director
- job : \N
- characters : \N
- id : 38583660
- tconst : tt5344054
- ordering : 6
- nconst : nm3502212
- category : producer
- job : producer
- characters : \N
- id : 38583661
- tconst : tt5344054
- ordering : 7
- nconst : nm10666496
- category : producer
- job : producer
- characters : \N
- id : 38583662
- tconst : tt5344054
- ordering : 8
- nconst : nm0001937
- category : composer
- job : \N
- characters : \N
- id : 38583663
- tconst : tt5344054
- ordering : 9
- nconst : nm0636603
- category : cinematographer
- job : director of photography
- characters : \N
Crews ( api )
- id : 6870967
- tconst : tt5344054
- directors : nm2276298
- writers : nm2276298