Laplace's Witch 2018 ( api )
Summery : An environmental analyst is asked by the police to determine if two deaths by hydrogen sulfide poisoning are an accident - or a murder. But when he meets a young woman at both sites, a scientific mystery begins.
Src :,0,190,281_.jpg
Src Set :,0,190,281_.jpg 190w,,0,285,422_.jpg 285w,,0,380,562_.jpg 380w
Basics ( api )
- id : 7470040
- tconst : tt6686358
- titleType : movie
- primaryTitle : Laplace's Witch
- originalTitle : Rapurasu no majo
- isAdult : 0
- startYear : 2018
- endYear : 0
- runtimeMinutes : 115
- genres : Drama,Mystery,Thriller
- averageRating : 5
- numVotes : 614
- rateOrder : 3070
- movieid : 117047
Ratings ( api )
- id : 1119517
- tconst : tt6686358
- averageRating : 5
- numVotes : 614
Akas ( api )
Principals ( api )
- id : 41750948
- tconst : tt6686358
- ordering : 10
- nconst : nm1376848
- category : editor
- job : \N
- characters : \N
- id : 41750949
- tconst : tt6686358
- ordering : 1
- nconst : nm1123941
- category : actor
- job : \N
- characters : ["Shusuke Aoe"]
- id : 41750950
- tconst : tt6686358
- ordering : 2
- nconst : nm5620173
- category : actress
- job : \N
- characters : ["Madoka Uhara"]
- id : 41750951
- tconst : tt6686358
- ordering : 3
- nconst : nm4445437
- category : actor
- job : \N
- characters : ["Kento Amakasu"]
- id : 41750952
- tconst : tt6686358
- ordering : 4
- nconst : nm2237350
- category : actress
- job : \N
- characters : ["Mina Uhara"]
- id : 41750953
- tconst : tt6686358
- ordering : 5
- nconst : nm0586281
- category : director
- job : \N
- characters : \N
- id : 41750954
- tconst : tt6686358
- ordering : 6
- nconst : nm0383258
- category : writer
- job : based on the novel by
- characters : \N
- id : 41750955
- tconst : tt6686358
- ordering : 7
- nconst : nm3219588
- category : writer
- job : screenplay
- characters : \N
- id : 41750956
- tconst : tt6686358
- ordering : 8
- nconst : nm0256862
- category : composer
- job : \N
- characters : \N
- id : 41750957
- tconst : tt6686358
- ordering : 9
- nconst : nm0457491
- category : cinematographer
- job : \N
- characters : \N
Crews ( api )
- id : 7470045
- tconst : tt6686358
- directors : nm0586281
- writers : nm0383258,nm3219588