Our Shining Days 2017 ( api )

Our Shining Days

Summery : A youth inspirational film, about how a group of high school students try to revive Chinese orchestra ensemble. They face many challenges along the way to compete nationally, including a rivalry with the more popular Western orche...
Src : https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BN2NjN2ZmYWQtM2FhZS00MjZlLWFjNzQtYjJmOGY2NDdmNTlhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjI5OTkwMTc@._V1_QL75_UY281_CR5,0,190,281_.jpg
Src Set : https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BN2NjN2ZmYWQtM2FhZS00MjZlLWFjNzQtYjJmOGY2NDdmNTlhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjI5OTkwMTc@._V1_QL75_UY281_CR5,0,190,281_.jpg 190w, https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BN2NjN2ZmYWQtM2FhZS00MjZlLWFjNzQtYjJmOGY2NDdmNTlhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjI5OTkwMTc@._V1_QL75_UY422_CR6,0,285,422_.jpg 285w, https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BN2NjN2ZmYWQtM2FhZS00MjZlLWFjNzQtYjJmOGY2NDdmNTlhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjI5OTkwMTc@._V1_QL75_UY562_CR9,0,380,562_.jpg 380w

Basics ( api )

  • id : 7615097
  • tconst : tt7013194
  • titleType : movie
  • primaryTitle : Our Shining Days
  • originalTitle : Shan guang shao nü
  • isAdult : 0
  • startYear : 2017
  • endYear : 0
  • runtimeMinutes : 103
  • genres : Drama,Music
  • averageRating : 6
  • numVotes : 691
  • rateOrder : 4146
  • movieid : 96890

Ratings ( api )

  • id : 1134471
  • tconst : tt7013194
  • averageRating : 6
  • numVotes : 691

Akas ( api )

Principals ( api )

  • id : 42475234
  • tconst : tt7013194
  • ordering : 10
  • nconst : nm2759120
  • category : cinematographer
  • job : director of photography
  • characters : \N
  • id : 42475235
  • tconst : tt7013194
  • ordering : 1
  • nconst : nm6045231
  • category : actress
  • job : \N
  • characters : ["Chen Jing"]
  • id : 42475236
  • tconst : tt7013194
  • ordering : 2
  • nconst : nm7832387
  • category : actor
  • job : \N
  • characters : ["Li You"]
  • id : 42475237
  • tconst : tt7013194
  • ordering : 3
  • nconst : nm8288923
  • category : actor
  • job : \N
  • characters : ["Wang Wen"]
  • id : 42475238
  • tconst : tt7013194
  • ordering : 4
  • nconst : nm6966865
  • category : actress
  • job : \N
  • characters : ["Xiaomai"]
  • id : 42475239
  • tconst : tt7013194
  • ordering : 5
  • nconst : nm9063047
  • category : director
  • job : \N
  • characters : \N
  • id : 42475240
  • tconst : tt7013194
  • ordering : 6
  • nconst : nm5303962
  • category : writer
  • job : screenplay
  • characters : \N
  • id : 42475241
  • tconst : tt7013194
  • ordering : 7
  • nconst : nm2414937
  • category : producer
  • job : producer
  • characters : \N
  • id : 42475242
  • tconst : tt7013194
  • ordering : 8
  • nconst : nm0939411
  • category : producer
  • job : producer
  • characters : \N
  • id : 42475243
  • tconst : tt7013194
  • ordering : 9
  • nconst : nm2414892
  • category : composer
  • job : music director
  • characters : \N

Crews ( api )

  • id : 7615102
  • tconst : tt7013194
  • directors : nm9063047
  • writers : nm5303962